
Do Facial Oils and Serums Work With Oily, Acne Prone Skin?

I’ve always shied away from using any type of oil or serum on my face. Petrified by the fear that it might cause my sensitive skin to break out into a multitude of spots. I recently discovered the brand “the ordinary”. After reading up on some of their products I came to realise that actually some facial oils and serums might benefit my acne prone and ageing (in places!) skin.

The Ordinary Serum

The first product I got my hands on was the “Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%” serum from the ordinary. To my surprise I found that this serum was actually created for people with blemishes! The formula is said to minimise pores, reduce blemish causing bacteria and regulate your sebum production. It sounded like a dream come true for me.

Facial Oils and Serums

The product comes in a glass bottle with a little pipette at the top. So you feel like you’re back in school doing a chemistry experiment when you apply it. It has a weird consistency, sort of like a gel, and it’s see through. I would just squeeze some out of the pipette into my hands and rub it onto my face. It seemed to foam a bit which was kind of odd, but usually I’d just leave it there to do it’s thing and go to sleep.

The best thing about this product is that it’s so cheap! It cost me £5 for 30ml of product, which is unreal. The results have been good initially too. It seems to reduce my spots straight away. If i see one brewing I whack some on and it doesn’t look half as bad. It doesn’t dry out my skin like other spot products do either.

The only caveat I have is that I won’t apply it under makeup. I did it once and my foundation balled up and I looked like a hot mess. Aside from that though I am a serum convert. I’m already browsing their website to see what else I can incorporate into my routine. You can find the serum here.

Facial Oils and Serums

RosehipPLUS Oil

The next product I came across was RosehipPLUS rosehip oil. I was sent this oil to review from SparklePR. It came along at a great time as I was already experimenting with my ordinary products.

This oil  is extracted from rosehip seeds without heat, chemicals etc, so it’s very pure. RosehipPLUS actually remove the flesh from the berry before they press it, so it’s a golden colour. Unlike other brands who do not remove the flesh and whose oils are a more reddish colour. Their process means that lots of nutrients are retained so your skin gets all the goodness.

The product has a lot of uses but it claims to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, diminish fine lines and more. I opted to use it very lightly around my eye area as *sob sob* I’m definitely getting more fine lines. I extracted a small amount from the bottle and gently patted it in before bed.

In the morning my eye area definitely felt very moisturised. Sometimes I can suffer from a dry eye, especially when it’s cold. So this was a nice treat. As for the reduction of fine lines, I think it will take some time to tell but I will definitely be keeping up my oil usage!

Facial Oils and Serums

The brand is cruelty free and vegan which is excellent and you can find the entire range to buy on amazon. The oil I got was £15 and you can find it here.

Facial Oils and Serums

So that’s it! I feel like a bit of a facial oils and serums convert now. Do you use them? Or have you shied away in the past? I’ll definitely be doing more research into other brands that have developed products like these for the skin issues I suffer with.